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Emansipation: Woman’s Employment, Traditional Image and Improve The World Governance

Image : boivieapedia.pbworks
Hello, Guys. I am Riri, a university student. I would like to talk to you about the areas of Women's life that are changing the most, namely those centering on Emancipation. Emancipation is any of various efforts to procuring political rights or equality, often for a specifically disenfranchised group, or more generally in discussion of such matters. Japan is a country in which gender roles have appeared to be clearly circumscribed and stable. Both Westerners and many Japanese men have a vivid mental image of Japanese women as dependent, deferential, devoted to their families, and anything but ambitious. Japan, perhaps more so then any other country, has undergone numerous, radical transformations during the past 150 years. Beginning with those born in the early 1800's, every generation of Japanese has experienced some sort of revolutionary redefinement of society. Japan has evolved from its semi-feudal roots to become a world power.

The number of female workers in Japan in 2000, amounted to 40.7% of the total number of workers, Of this amount, 56.9% are maried women, and 33.1% are single women. We can see that married women have a higher role in employment. Women are concentrated in tertiary industries, such as service, sales, restaurant, finance, and insurance. In manufacturing industry, women are usually placed in the light manufacturing industries, like textiles and food production.

Japanese women, more highly educated and more financially independent than ever before. They desire to maintain their freedom and autonomy even after wedlock. This, combined with the extended life expectancy, has seen the divorce rate begin to rise in Japan. This trend shows that women are less willing to put up with a marriage they find intolerable.

The significance of marriage has also changed for women. Economic factors such as rising income levels and the shift to an industrial economy which opened many new employment opportunities for female workers, have made it much easier for women to make a life for themselves outside the framework of marriage. Marriage used to be a necessity for women to survive but today it has clearly become an option, and the individual has the freedom to choose whether to marry or remain single.

The overwhelming majority of women in Japan do want to marry. Recent opinion surveys indicate that only a very small number, 6%, are determined to remain single all their lives. But since single women can get just about everything they desire, including sex, without marrying, they are delaying marriage.

The goal of equality between women and men and the promotion of women' rights are enshrined in international conventions and commitments.  Empowerment of woman and gender equality were considered prerequisites for achieving political, social, economic, cultural, and environmental security among all peoples.
I think the equal education and skills development are the foundation to true economic development, but true nation emancipation comes through change in mindset, it all start from the basic micro segment, an individual. Lets get people feeling better about themselves intellectually, get them feeling better about their health, get them feeling better about their environment, get them better about their finances, a nation with an evolved mindset. So that we can collectively achieve an emancipated mindset. Let's develop a mindset with a right vision and right purpose! Emancipation? The way to improve the world governance!
Also published on Kompasiana, June 24 2015 01:17


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