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Review Film The Crucifixion (2017)

It was sunny day and I feel bored. Watching a scary movie alone can either be one of the best idea to do, I thought. Even it really depends on the movie you’re watching. If it’s a really well made horror movie, it’s a fun idea, but you’re gonna end up regretting it.  Well, then I’ve got the myself to selection of mediocre movies on XXI, The Crucifixion. Have you ever watching mediocre or scary movie alone? It's really fun, you know!😉

Okay, I will tell you about this movie. The Crucifixion is a 2017 British-Romanian horror film directed by Xavier Gens from a screenplay by Chad and Carey Hayes (The Conjuring and sequel ; The ReapingHouse of Wax). It stars Sophie Cookson, Corneliu Ulici and Brittany Ashworth. Sceptic journalist Nicole Rawlins (Sophie Cookson) is investigating the murder of a nun. A priest has been convicted but he claims that she died while he was performing an exorcism ritual. When Nicole comes in contact with Father Anton (Corneliu Ulici) more and more inexplicable events occur. The pair starts to also believe that the priest lost the battle with a demon.

Sooo, are you interested to watching this horror movie? Honestly, this movie shot quite well, the acting is good and the story interesting enough and it looks good. But there is absolutely nothing going on here you haven't seen done before, and unless you're on some sort of quest to watch every possession/exorcism film. Also, there are no terrible special effects or atrocious lines of dialogue. It’s average.

But, maybe for you as movie enthusiast should watching it!🤓


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