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Important Things To Do Before 25

23 years old. I started to reflect on my years of life and realised how much I have accomplished, grown in myself. I though I'm young, fit and fearless and it seems a waste not to making list and see the world when it is right at fingertips! There are so many “listicles” out there about what I have learned or know by a certain age. Making this list turned out to be a little harder than I expected – honestly, how many crazy, life-changing experiences can I really expect to have in the next year? I have to save some things for the years that come after, right? I found myself including things that I think will make me a better person and challenge me in new ways. And after my birthday six months ago, I couldn’t help but contribute to the conversation. There are (at least) so many things I wish I took advantage of, learned, habituated to or did before turning 25... and things I am going to try to accomplish after turning 25. 

1. Go to a music concert and festival

Done already? (Haha not really, I've went to some music concert but I think, I should do it more).

Well, see your favourite musician and bands play live with your boyfriend, mates or alone; experience the atmosphere, the fashions and the micro-culture of life in a large field with a crowd of people all there to enjoy the experience.

2. Buy dinner for parents

My parents may have been been funding my life for years, so now I think I can experience the joy of repaying their kindness, love, and responsibility, and of developing an adult relationship with them. Taking them out for dinner, and picking up the bill, is one of the ways of doing this. 

3. Travel more

me @ririaer, travel to japanese garden

Wohooo, with pleasure! Travelling, with the exposure to different climes, cultures, and peoples, broadens the mind, helps develop life skills, and makes for more open attitudes and tolerance. However open-minded you are, there’s nothing like experiencing a different way of life firsthand. It also furnishes you with some great dinner party stories!

4. Try an adrenaline sport.

You could try sky diving, white water rafting or bungee jumping. Pushing your comfort zone and trying something like this may terrify you, but you’ll feel immensely proud of overcoming your fear. Ah, maybe I should try paralayang first😋
5. Finish (50-100) books in a year.
reading while waiting in airport

It’s on my original bucketlist to read 50-100 books every year and this is definitely something I want to accomplish by the end of my 24th year.
6. Donate to charity… regularly.
It was one of my resolutions to pick a charity or cause and donate monthly (not just in Iedul Fitri yup😆) , however, I have yet to actually do that and it’s something I want to accomplish before I turn 25. 
7. Spend more time with family
After my grandpa passed away, I started to make list : spend more time with family including my grandma and others. Living away from family makes this difficult, but I want to make more of an effort to stay in touch via email, FaceTime, and WhatsApp video call. When I turn 25, I want to know exactly what’s going on with my family, and I want to feel like I kept this promise.
8. Do yoga or meditate at least twice a month
Yoga and meditation are always something I mean to do more of. I want to start making yoga and meditating a priority. Ah, I know some friend who likes Yoga, maybe I can learn from them🤓
9. Learn arabic and Holy Quran
This is another thing that I’ve been meaning to learn more, not just reading quran as usual, but also knowing the meaning and history.

10. Volunteering
Along the lines of donating to charity, it’s something I’ve always really wanted to do again. So this year, I will make an effort to get back to foundations and NGOs that I have joined.
11. Plan special things with bestfriend
A few years back, my best friends and I made our (something like foundation or event organizer). We made some events for children with cancer. Also, I went to other country with other bestfriend. It was an amazing trip and that’s why I think planning something and experiencing it with my BFFs should be a bucket list item.
12. Start a side hustle

Even if the first one fails—and the statistics say it probably will—you’re gaining critical skills for the next project.
13. Shoot for a leadership role
Ask for responsibility that’s just outside your comfort zone. You’ll grow a lot, and impress your bosses.
14. Pick an industry that has product life cycle growth
“Not a fading one. Fax machines in the ’80s was a great business. Today, not so much. Social media today is a good example.” ―James Sbrolla, entrepreneur-in-residence, RIC Center Business Incubator
15. Start business
Yes. Maybe it's difficult but I have to start business and take it seriously.
“Travel when you are old and rich.” ―Doug Feaver, entrepreneur and real estate investor
I know the successful entrepreuneur like Feaver said that better start business and get travel after rich, but travel it's about knowing life and environment so I'll keep traveling.
“Eventually other people will too.” ―Doug Feaver

16. Find the right culture

“Every company has its own distinct work and office culture, and ideally you’ll find a company whose values reflect and resonate with your own. Otherwise, it could get awful, with you feeling compromised and going against the grain.” ―Sam Hiyate, president of the Rights Factory literary agency
17. Step out of my comfort zone and try something I would never considered before
At least one time during this next year I want to do something that I never would have done previously. I’m not sure what it will be yet, but when the time comes, I hope I rise to the challenge.


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